Monday, April 7, 2008

9 Step Lesson Plan: Era of Reform

Name: Sheryl, Lily, Langston, Nick
CLASS: Bananas
DATE: April 7, 2008

9 Step Lesson Plan: Era of Reform

1. Lesson Plan Title:

2. Concept/Topic To Teach:
- Mistreatment of Woman and African American rights

3. Essential Question of Lesson:
- Who were the main people that stood up for our rights and changed history?

4. Connection:
- Quick-Write: Write a half page on what you think of the different movements.

5. Direct Teaching:
1. Lily talks about Sojourner Truth
2. Sheryl talks about Dorothea Dix
3. Nick talks about Horace Mann
4. Langston talks about fighting slavery
5. Lily talks about equal rights for women
6.Sheryl talks about Seneca Falls Convention
(write notes on board)

6. Step-By Step Explanation:
- Directions:
1. Unscramble the words.
2. When unscrambled use the words to fill in the sentences.

7. Student-Centered Activity:
- Work on “Super Scrambler”

8. Assessment:
- We walk around and make over the shoulder checks while answering questions

9. Closure:
- Ask students to share their answers.
- Ask a few questions to check for understanding.

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